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LEWZ 喪屍之戰 x Ocean Park - Halloween

Oct 2016


於線下活動中,我們利用宣傳車遊走港九新界不同人潮旺區,即場製作爆谷/棉花糖吸引途人,更與海洋公園合作獲授權使用其logo,並以門票作招徠, 聯乘宣傳提高搶眼度



Jumbo, 香格拉, 樂宜, Deer


製作團隊設計及拍攝分別各一段約2分鐘『香港喪屍戰』微電影, 總長約9分鐘並於KOL專頁發佈, 籍有獎遊戲加上她們的人氣加強宣傳效力

結合線上線下互動達至二次宣傳, 進一步接觸不同群眾,


"Last Empire War Z" is a zombie-theme mobile game app. In October, We planned a half-month online-to-offline promotion event to make good use of the Halloween atmosphere.

For the offline promotion, We arranged a promotion trunk to travel trough the crowd area in Hong Kong. By providing popcorn/ cotton candy, and  delivering oceanpark tickets as the prize, we catch the eyeballs of the target customers.

For the online promotion, we invited 4 KOL, Jumbo,  Shangrila, Lokyi, Deer. Production team create a 9-minutes long micro-movie "Hong Kong Zombie War" for them and posted on each KOL's facebook page.

Combining Online and Offline promotion, we reached more costumer, increased exposure and download rate.

我們亦開設了香港區的facebook 專頁作訊息發放用途亦同時處理不同活動參加者衍生事宜,令活動順利進行。

In this event, we offered a 1-stop service including online& offline maintenance, design and customer service etc.

We also setted up the Hong Kong region facebook page for announcement purpose and handling the participant issue.



LEWZ reach the Top Grossing Chart

of Hong Kong region during event periods

線上觸及率 Online Reach:

       KOL 粉絲數 Fans no.


          貼子數目 Post no.

  • 700,000 – 800,000


Online + Offline total reach
(包括直接下載、 貼子、影片曝光率等)

(Including download, post etc.)

  • 700,000 - 1,000,000

Google Play:

3rd (31Oct)

App Store:

9th (30Oct)

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